Thursday, November 11, 2010

Folk Tales

It snowed! There have only been 15 years since 1880 that Denver hasn't gotten snow in October, and this happened to be one of those magical 15 years. Ah. It was the loveliest Colorado fall I can remember. There weren't any blizzards to knock the leaves off the trees prematurely. Today, though, it's cold and white (and pretty), and we've had a fire roaring in the fireplace all morning.
For literature this week we studied folk tales from around the world. Each of the kids chose a folk tale and then presented it in a new way. Spencer did "The Half Chick" from Spain and retold it in comic book form.
Rebecca chose "The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal" from India and retold it with this cool storyboard. I love her innovation with the paper cage. Ingenious!
Eva reenacted "Connla and the Fairy Maiden" from Ireland. It's cool to find folk tales about fairies, and she was excited to find out that we have some ancestors from Ireland. Does that mean we have ancestors that were fairies? Perhaps. It wouldn't surprise me to find out Eva has fairy ancestors.

1 comment:

jon said...

Eva has slightly prettier eyes than Rocko. It seems like it would be anatomically difficult for a fairy to procreate with a human. But who knows?