Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dream Chaser

 Have I mentioned what a gorgeous day it was here today? Sixty-seven degrees Farenheit. There were people out everywhere, walking their dogs, slappin' high fives, driving with the windows down and Bob Marley blaring as if it were the last day of school.

So we took a field trip. We went to CU to see the Dream Chaser (see below). We didn't get to see as much of it as we'd hoped because some well-heeled NASA professionals were there to inspect it, and they didn't want a bunch of homeschoolers running around making noise (we assumed). But we did get to peek in, and then we went to the ITLL to hang out and see the Big Factory of Small Balls. I didn't take a picture of it this time, though. We've taken too many pictures of it already.
See? I wasn't kidding about the weather. This joyous sunbeam even bestowed a special blessing on this bench. Lucky bench.

This is the Dream Chaser. I don't know who this happy fellow is, but he sure looks like a Proud Papa to me. This is a prototype. The real one doesn't look so fancy yet. It doesn't have a glossy finish or anything, and there aren't any cool disco lights in the real lab. If you want to read about the Dream Chaser, you can click right here.

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