Friday, September 17, 2010

On the Town

Spencer and Yumeng made breakfast yesterday. They revolutionized pancakes by crushing up chocolate chip cookies and adding them to the batter. They also performed some vinegar/baking soda kitchen experiments and made scrambled eggs.
After lunch, we went downtown. Here's Spencer up in the Capitol dome with the city & county building behind him.

The girls played Heart & Soul on one of the decorated pianos scattered around 16th Street. We couldn't get Yumeng to play, even though I KNOW she can play beautifully.

Yumeng really wanted to try the Thai food at this stand, but the lady sold out of all her food right before Yumeng got to the front of the line. Darn! So we went to Broomfield's International Buffet for dinner, which was probably just as good. We ate waaayyy too much. Yes, Eva is eating marshmallows with chopsticks.

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